Use it at all five Lee's locations!
Tiki Lee's Dock Bar, Sparrows Point, MD
Lee's Pint & Shell, Canton, MD
JelLEEfish Joel's Beach Bar, Chestertown, MD
Fairlee's Restaurant & Bar, Chestertown, MD
Lee's Landing Dock Bar, Port Deposit, MD
How it works
Unlock Exclusive Savings with the Lee'$ Loyalty Buck$ Membership! Whether you are a local, a regular, or a boater who is busy on the bay, this membership just makes sense for YOU!
Experience exceptional value at all FIVE Lee's locations with our exclusive Lee'$ Loyalty Buck$ card. Here's how it works:
Monthly Value: For a monthly charge of $70 to your credit card, we'll credit your Lee'$ Loyalty Buck$ Rewards account with $100 to spend. That's an instant $30 bonus every month!
Seamless Redemption: Use your accumulated buck$ at any of our five convenient locations.
Member for Life: Enjoy these benefits throughout the year with automatic renewals for uninterrupted savings.
Flexibility: You have the option to cancel your membership whenever you no longer wish to receive the buck$!
Extended Validity: Your rewards card and remaining Loyalty Buck$ balance will remain valid for 18 month following your last Loyalty Buck$ purchase.
Card Replacement: For a $5 fee, we'll replace lost cards, ensuring your balance is transferred and your old card is deactivated.
Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to maximize your savings at Lee's!
Start Your Subscription
in three steps
Step One: Complete the Authorization Form Below, Step Two: Click “Subscribe” button after submitting your form to go to the payment page, Step Three: Click “subscribe” button to checkout. That’s it!